Keahup Levadura de Pan, levadura Seca Activa Alta tolerancia a la glucosa Suministros para Hornear en la Cocina 5g/40 Bolsas Precio: 16,31 (a partir de 30/08/2021 10:30 PST- Detalles)

★This Baker’s yeast contains enzymes that break starch down into glucose, which in turn breaks down into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Alcohol will evaporate during the baking process. Such bread will be soft and delicious.
★The resulting carbon dioxide will form holes in the bread dough to make the bread bulky and soft. Alcohol will evaporate during the baking process. Such bread will be soft and delicious.
★Occassions: These Yeast suitble for all kinds of bakings like bread, cake and cookies,bun and so on. will make your children and lover great surprise.